by philip McKinnney | May 14, 2016 | cheap kitchens, Furniture respray, kitchen painting, kitchen painting dublin, kitchen refacing, Kitchen Respray, Kitchen resurface, painting furniture, Resurface my kitchen, Resurface Your Kitchen
Choosing Colours for Your Kitchen Respray Choosing the colour of your kitchen cabinets is exciting but the project may also get somewhat confusing. With so many options to pick among, how do you select the one that will make you the happiest? Before getting started...
by philip McKinnney | May 3, 2016 | Furniture respray, kitchen painting, kitchen painting dublin, kitchen refacing, Kitchen Respray, Kitchen resurface, painting furniture, Resurface my kitchen
Prep for painting furniture Have you chosen spray painting as the best furniture restoration option? That’s a smart decision! By choosing spray painting, you can save nearly 60 percent of the budget that you’ll otherwise have to dedicate to buying new pieces....