by philip McKinnney | Apr 3, 2015 | cheap kitchens, kitchen painting, kitchen painting dublin, kitchen refacing, Kitchen Respray, Kitchen resurface, Resurface my kitchen, Resurface Your Kitchen
Instances in Which Kitchen Respraying is a Good Idea Are you wondering when a kitchen respray is going to be a good idea? Here are four great ways in which you can use the project to modernise and freshen up the appearance of your kitchen. Restoration Do your kitchen...
by philip McKinnney | Mar 21, 2015 | cheap kitchens, kitchen painting, kitchen painting dublin, kitchen refacing, Kitchen Respray, Kitchen resurface, Resurface my kitchen, Resurface Your Kitchen
How to Upgrade Your Kitchen and Save Money on the Process As the most functional room in the house, the kitchen should be maintained in a pristine condition. Wear and tear, unfortunately, is very easy to notice there. The kitchen cabinets will lose some of their...
by philip McKinnney | Mar 5, 2015 | Kitchen Respray
A Guide to Executing a Kitchen Respray Project Has your old kitchen lost some of its brightness and appeal? It may be time to consider a renovation project. Getting the kitchen cabinets and other pieces of furniture resprayed is one of the simplest and quickest...
by philip McKinnney | Jan 2, 2015 | cheap kitchens, kitchen painting, kitchen painting dublin, kitchen refacing, Kitchen Respray, Kitchen resurface, Resurface my kitchen, Resurface Your Kitchen
Should I Reface or Respray my Kitchen Cabinets? Everyone loves your new home. They can’t say enough good things about your home’s beautiful decor, that is until they reach the kitchen. It is not surprising that no one likes your kitchen’s design or style. In fact, you...
by philip McKinnney | Nov 11, 2014 | cheap kitchens, kitchen painting, kitchen painting dublin, kitchen refacing, Kitchen Respray, Kitchen resurface, Resurface my kitchen, Resurface Your Kitchen
Are you tired of looking at your kitchen? Has it seen better days? Ready to throw in that towel rip it all out and build that dream kitchen you’ve always wanted…then suddenly you realize that doing that means that you will have depleted your savings, missed out on a...