TRANSFORMING KITCHENS: INTERIOR DESIGN 101 They say that if you want to know the person who owns the house, the first place you must visit is their kitchen. Today’s modern kitchen has become more than just a place for cooking and eating meals. It has also become the...


WHEN SHOULD I RENOVATE MY KITCHEN? Have you considered Kitchen Respray? Different kitchens have different needs. There is no standard answer to determine when you should renovate your kitchen. Every person has different reasons for renovating but all are guided by the...
furniture by respraying

furniture by respraying

Furniture Revival: Restoring the beauty of old furniture by respraying   Got old furniture at home that you just can’t throw away…yet? Want to keep it for longer but tired of its same old boring look? We all have that one piece of furniture at home that we...
furniture by respraying

Choosing the Right Furniture Respray Paint Products

Choosing the Right Furniture Respray Paint Products Furniture respraying is quick, cost-efficient and suitable for a vast range of pieces. The procedure is great because it gives your favourite furniture a second life and it can be used to accomplish a complete house...
Kitchen respray and Furniture painting

Kitchen respray and Furniture painting

Kitchen respray and Furniture painting– It can be Cheap! What’s the easiest way to give your home a makeover? If you’re thinking about the purchase of new furniture, you’re partially right. A few new pieces can immediately transform the room and give it a trendier...
Painting Kitchen cabinets

Painting Kitchen cabinets

Painting Kitchen Cabinets  BUDGET FRIENDLY KITCHEN MAKEOVER: Want to know how to make the perfect transformation in your kitchen even while you’re on a tight budget? Painting kitchens is just the perfect solution to achieve a dream look for your kitchen. Kitchen...